'JAKLAR' - Where it came from & where it's heading

November 28, 2017

'JAKLAR' - Where it came from & where it's heading

If you are part of the windsurfing world, there isn’t a way you haven’t stumbled across the lifestyle brand ‚JAKLAR’ in one way or the other. You might have seen the stickers in the sails of riders worldwide, the popular colorful ‚JAKLAR’ caps or even the man behind it at windsurfing events. Harry Goeft is bringing ‚good vibes only’ to every competition site he shows up to. Him and his team are responsible for live interviews and livestreaming from international windsurfing events, their ‚JAKLAR’ emotions clips and feeding lifestyle and action pics to their social media channels with thousands of followers, always with the aim to connect boardsports all around the globe and to push the windsurfing sport. We talked with the founder about the movement, the crew and ambassadors, his favorite ‚JAKLAR’ moments and why he thinks that freestyle windsurfing is so important.

EFPT: When did ‚JAKLAR‘ start and what’s the story behind it?

Harry: Everything started back in 2014, when two little german words became one big JAKLAR! It developed because as a german I used to ‚ja klar’ (engl.: yes sure!) a lot and that of course in a very positive connection! Then there was the Jericoacoara clip by my buddy Max Matissek which was dedicated to ‚JAKLAR’ and after that I decided to make more out of it!

EFPT: What is the philosophy of the brand?

Harry: JAKLAR Positive Vibes was founded out of the pure passion for windsurfing. It is a never ending love story. It is about more than just windsurfing, though. ‚JAKLAR!’ is an expression uttered by people who believe in leading a life filled with positive vibes, fueled by the sport that they love. It is a community that strives to unify board sports of all kinds through the common thread of passion.

Just like the sport that started it all, JAKLAR has ‘gone with the flow’. We did not set our sights on any particular goal. This open-minded philosophy has enabled us to facilitate progression of the sport while continuing to include all-comers who are simply doing whatever it is that brings fun and joy to their lifes. We simply say: ‚JAKLAR!’ Never take life for granted, enjoy every single moment, and spread the positive vibes!!

JAKLAR Emotions from CCfilms on Vimeo.

EFPT: Who is the crew?

Harry: My buddy Marco Wedele and myself! It was him that showed commitment straight away when I started it and he always gave me the courage and believed in the potential of ‚JAKLAR’. Max Brinnich is also part of the extended team. He has developed the great new homepage and helps again and again. Also Chris from ccFilms, who produces the incredibly awesome clips together with us, is part of the ‘JAKLAR’ crew.

Harry Goeft (left) and Marco Wedele (right)

EFPT: What does ‘JAKLAR’ actually do?

Harry: Currently I am trying to permanently do postings, next to my actual job, to keep it all alive! What most people maybe don’t know is that ‚JAKLAR’ is a hobby and runs on the side. We are depending on sponsors to do certain things and most of it comes out of my own pocket and that’s the reason why we started to sell caps to refinance parts of it! Every purchase of one of our exclusive caps helps to continue the whole thing in #jaklarstyle!

EFPT: Who are the main ‘JAKLAR’ ambassadors?

Harry: Everyone who loves what we are doing and follows the same goal, to make windsurfing more popular again can become an ambassador! We don’t have any marketing budget and can’t pay any money for anything – everyone who is supporting us and the sport no matter how is welcome to be part of JAKLAR by using #jaklarpositivevibes #jaklarstyle! Certainly we have to mention the support of Alexa Escherich (JP/Neilpryde), Hanna Poschinger, Stefania Fumagalli (JP/Neilpryde), Yentel Caers (JP/Neilpryde), Marco Lufen (North/Fanatic), Lennart Neubauer (Starboard/Neilpryde) and Youp Schmit on tour, who are sailing with stickers in their sails and are doing everything to help us! In return I am partly taking care of sponsoring deals and try to support them on our social media channels! Of course there are many more people in and out of windsurfing who are working with us, but naming all of them would definitely go beyond the scope here. I’d like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone though! You know who you are!


Harry and Marco from JAKLAR at Engadin Wind (Silvaplana) and PWA Sylt – always in the center of the action


 EFPT: What’s your favorite ‚JAKLAR ‘ moment?

Harry: Believe it or not, but there are so many that it is hard for me to pick one. Getting feedback of Brian Talma, that what we do is exactly what the sport is missing nowadays, is certainly a big highlight. To hear things like this is the biggest motivation to keep on going with it! There will be also a small part about it in his book which will be released next year and we are very much looking forward to it already!

Of course the trust of brands like Mercedes-Benz to activate the presence with our interviews means a lot to us! 

Also the release of the JAKLAR x ccFILMS clip from Sylt has been an unbelievable JAKLAR moment to me. Generally I am happy about every share, every #jaklarpositivevibes or every picture where I can see that someone is wearing one of the caps!


EFPT: What does freestyle windsurfing mean to you?

Harry: Freestyling is the ‚skating’ of windsurfing. It’s incredibly important to the sport as it keeps it young, keeps attracting new people to try it out. And still it seems hard to push the sport to the level of attention where it is supposed to be, after my opinion.

The problem might bet hat the ‚level’ of freestyle windsurfing is growing so quickly and the tricks and combinations keep getting crazier. Of course that is the case and it’s amazing, but the sport doesn’t make a step forward, because of the lack of ability to communicate this progression and to create platforms to show it off and make the sport more interesting for sponsors again. All of the riders who are doing it ideally want to earn their well deserved money with it.

Freestyle in my eyes is one of the most essential marketing tools within the sport. We definitely need a great concept and a bunch of very motivated people that have the drive to make this sport big once again.

You guys of the EFPT are doing an amazing job by the way and are always trying to invent yourself new again, changing things to make them better and thats very important in this fast moving world nowadays!

EFPT: Thanks Harry! We definitely try our best with the ressources we have to keep on optimizing the tour in all of ist aspects and we are happy to return the compliment back to you and ‚JAKLAR’. Where do you want to take the brand in the future?

Harry: ‚Go with the flow’ is definitely what still fits the best! We still want to place ourselves as ‚content producers’ and a lifestyle brand with one or the other funny product.

We will always do our best for the sport of windsurfing, that will never change and if money will be earned with it one day then we will also give some of it back to the sport. Unfortunately we are still far from that. Who knows maybe one day there will be a JAKLAR Positive Vibes World Tour. The honest and highly motivated people we definitely got on bo(a)rd for it already!

EFPT: Thank you Harry and good luck with everything! Keep up the great work!

If you want to support ‘JAKLAR’ you can purchase a camo-cap on their website and get 20% off with the code efptxjaklar. TAKE ME THERE.

To show your support on social media please use the hashtag #jaklar #jaklarpositivevibes or #jaklarstyle on your instagram and follow them on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM.


Photo credits: Marco & Gollito by JC / PWA; Harry & Tonky by Andre Wurz; Portraits by Miles Taylor / PROtography; header Jamie Hancock


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